Archive for September 16th, 2015

Marshawn Lynch’s Mom Upset, Dez Bryant Injured, Bills/Pats Trash Talk


Marshawn LynchIn the NFL, Marshawn Lynch’s mother is calling for Seattle’s offensive coordinator, Darrel Bevell to be fired.  She called Bevell “The Worst Playcaller Ever”.  Of course, she was mad when her son didn’t get the ball on the goal line in last year’s Super Bowl, but she also thought the Seahawks made some awful calls against the Rams on Sunday.  She’s definitely not alone in her sentiments.  Many Seattle fans agree with her.

Elsewhere in the NFL, it’s looking like the Cowboys will be without star wide receiver Dez Bryant for at least 6 weeks.  They are looking for answers at the wide receiver position so  they took a risk and are bringing in Brice Butler from the Oakland Raiders.  Butler was a 7th round pick for the Raiders in 2013.  He’s a huge  athletic target and could be a great pickup.
Finally in the NFL, one of the most anticipated match-ups this coming week is the Buffalo Bills vs. The New England Patriots.  The Bills look terrific, but the Pats have always had their number.  To gain momentum, the entire Buffalo Bills team is trash talking the Patriots.  Nobody is holding back, not even Buffalo head coach Rex Ryan.   The Pats, however, typically dominate if they feel offended.  The game is Sunday 1:oo pm est.

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