Archive for September 1st, 2015

Trent Richardson And Fred Jackson Released, Cousins Named Redskins QB


Trent RichardsonIn the NFL, there were two high-profile cuts.  Coming out the University of Alabama, Trent Richardson was an absolute force.  In 2012, the Cleveland Browns took him with the #3 pick (right behind Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III).  Richardson didn’t perform in Cleveland so the Browns traded him to Indianapolis.  The Colts thought Richardson needed a change of scenery, and would be their running back for the future.  After 2 years, Richardson failed there as well.  The Colts released him, and the Raiders took one last flier on Richardson.  After an unimpressive camp this off-season, the Raiders have let him go as well.  Richardson’s NFL career is most likely over. It’s still a mystery to football enthusiasts wondering what went wrong with Richardson — a player who was once so dominant.

Then, in Buffalo, the Bills let go of their long-time running back Fred Jackson.  The release came as a shock to Jackson, but he was 34 years old AND injured.  The New England Patriots may pick him up, however, as they need a reliable player in the backfield.

Finally, in Washington, with trade talks of Robert Griffin III swirling, the Redskins have announced that Kirk Cousins will officially be their starting QB.  Griffin still has a roster spot, however, and will have to be ready as a back-up.  No one thinks the Redskins have a chance of making the playoffs this season but if they do poorly, they’ll have a better shot of getting a top pick in the draft next year and securing a franchise QB.

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