Packers Route Vikings In Thursday Night Football, Russell Wilson Passes The Peace To Jeter And Timberlake


In the Thursday night NFL matchup, the game almost seemed over before it even began. The Minnesota Vikings and  Green Bay Packers matchup should have been much closer but Packers’ QB Aaron Rodgers threw for 3 touchdowns and by the second half, the game was essentially over.  Vikings’ QB Christian Ponder took the blame for the loss with his 2 second quarter interceptions. Packers 42, Vikings 10.

Justin TimberlakeSeattle Seahawks QB, Russell Wilson is putting his celebrity to great use. He has initiated a campaign similar the the ubiquitous ice bucket challenge. It’s called the “pass for peace” initiative and it’s intended to raise awareness and funding for victims of domestic violence. In an appearance on Huffington Post Live, Wilson spoke about the issue and passed the peace to Derek Jeter and Justin Timberlake.

Russell Wilson“This issue is much bigger than NFL suspensions. Domestic violence isn’t going to disappear tomorrow or the next day. But the more that we choose not to talk about it, the more we shy away from the issue, the more we lose,” wrote Wilson. “I can’t fix the world. I can’t fix the NFL. I can’t change the guys around me. The only person I can change is the one in the mirror.”

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