Archive for October 1st, 2014

Phelps Arrested For DUI, NFL Outrage With Abdullah Penalty, Kobe Feels Good


Michael PhelpsOlympian swimming superstar Michael Phelps was arrested for a DUI.   Phelps said he was sorry for the DUI, but many fans who look up to him as a role model are disappointed in his irresponsible and reckless behavior.  These cases are arising quite often recently and they must be enforced underage DUI penalties for all the accused caught in this type of case. This would eventually set a lesson for all the wrongdoers in society. 


And in the NFL, as mentioned yesterday, there is controversy around the flag thrown against the Kansas City Chiefs Husain Abdullah for praying in Monday Night’s game.   It has been thought that anything that doesn’t give your team an advantage should not be penalized in the NFL, but the NFL is trying to be extra strict right now, so the flag was thrown.  Fine, except it sparked another outrage against the NFL about bad management and how this is yet another example after the Ray Rice fiasco that the administration doesn’t know what it’s doing.   When it comes to driving after intoxication, the DUI on private property issues is what you can have a look at.


Kobe BryantAnd in the NBA, Kobe Bryant is looking forward to his return. After attending his first practice yesterday, Kobe said he felt like himself.  Kobe’s career is in a funny place. The Lakers are in rebuilding mode, and definitely don’t have the pieces to contend for a title, let alone make the playoffs.  He can’t play for another team because he has a huge contract that keeps him in LA. Plus, leaving would be a bad mark on his legacy.  So, he will essentially be a mentor, helping the Lakers strive to nab the #8 seed in the playoffs.  Hopefully he at least stays healthy so we get to watch him.

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