Archive for November 2nd, 2010



It was Game 5 of the World Series.  The Giants led 3 games to 1 and hoped to close the thing out.  They put their best pitcher, Tim Lincecum, on the mound, but the Rangers countered with their best pitcher, Cliff Lee.  It would be a battle of the aces to either stay alive or win it all.  Both pitchers were having phenomenal nights, but, in the 7th inning, Edgar Renteria, one of the most clutch hitters of the past few years, stepped to the plate for the Giants and blasted a 3-run homer to give the Giants a comfortable 3-0 lead.  The Rangers got a homer from Nelson Cruz to bring it to 3-1, but, in the end, Brian Wilson took the mound for the Giants and finally struck out the last batter to WIN the World Series.  This is HUGE for the city of San Francisco who hasn’t won a series since the Giants moved there many moons ago.  From the start of the playoffs, this Giants team believed they could win, and  just proved it.  San Francisco 3, Texas 1.


And in the NFL, it was Monday Night Football between the Houston Texans and the Indianapolis Colts.  These teams met to open the season, and Texans running backs ran all over the Colts, and established the Texans as a team to be taken seriously.  This time around, the Colts were looking to get even, and even they did.  Peyton Manning had yet another terrific night, throwing for 268 yards and 2 touchdowns, and even fill-in Colts running-back Mike Hart had a nice night moving the ball.  He finished with 84 yards.  With the win, the Colts take back their mojo from the Texans, although this NFC South division should be competitive until the very last week.  Indianapolis 30, Houston 17.

Finally, in some very bizarre news out of the NFL, after the Minnesota Vikings acquired Randy Moss just two weeks ago, they, um, let him go yesterday.  That is a huge shocker, but sources are speculating that it’s because Moss was simply becoming too much of a nuisance in the locker room.  Reportedly, he was up to his prima donna ways, and the Vikings just didn’t think he was worth putting up with any more.  Vikings head coach Brad Childress was pretty mum on the matter, but said that they would be moving on this season without him.  You can bet that Moss will find another team very soon.  Likely candidates are Redskins, Chargers, maybe even the Seahawks.

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