Archive for September 29th, 2010



In baseball, after 15 years, finally some good news for the Cincinnati Reds.  They have flown under the radar this season, but actually have a very good team — one that could compete for a World Series ring.  And now… they’ll get their chance.  Last night against the Houston Astros, Cincy’s slugger Jay Bruce hit a walk-off home-run shot in the bottom of the ninth to send the Reds to the playoffs.  Wow!  This team is used to finishing in last or second to last place.  To win the division — now that’s something special.  Hopefully, the Reds can make some serious noise in the playoffs.  Cincinnati 3, Houston 2.


In college football, Michigan State Spartans head coach Mark Dantonio recently suffered a heart attack.  The Spartans have a strong team this year, and could compete in a major bowl. Well, it looks like the team will have its coach back on Saturday against #11 Wisconsin.  However, because Dantonio is unable to roam the sidelines and physically exert himself, he will be coaching the game from the press box.  Dantonio said he plans to recover from his heart attack just like any player would recover from any injury — by easing into it.  He also joked about eating more vegetables, saying at a press conference, “At last check, I think I’ve had six of my eight helpings of vegetables [today]”

And in the NFL, the Buffalo Bills recently released their season’s starting quarterback Trent Edwards.  The Bills opted to go with Harvard man Ryan Fitzpatrick at the helm, who actually had a fantastic game against New England last week.  But, just a few days after his dismissal, Edwards has landed a new gig as back-up quarterback in Jacksonville.  Current Jaguars QB Gerrard has been shaky this year, and having a back-up with Edwards’ experience could prove valuable.  Plus, the Bills will play the Jags in Week 5, and the intelligence that Edwards will have for the coaching staff will prove invaluable.


Finally, in the NBA, the Miami Heat had their first loose practice session yesterday.  And this wasn’t the fun-loving, big-smiling Big 3 we saw during the off-season.  No.  What we saw was a highly-focused intense LeBron James.  He was barking orders at people, including fellow Big 3 member Dwayne Wade.  Wade and James even had an argument.  “That’s just me”, James said in a post-practice interview.  However, many believe that James’ bossing around of Wade is him trying to show he’s the alpha-dog here and THEY are the support staff.  He wants the headlines to read that LeBron James led the Heat to a title — not Wade.  This experiment might end badly.

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