Archive for September 1st, 2010



In college football, with the season upon us this weekend, it looks like #1 Alabama’s hopes for winning back-to-back National Championships may already be in question. In their opener against San Jose State, they will be without their Heisman Trophy winning running-back, Mark Ingram. Ingram went down with a knee injury in their last practice and now requires surgery. Thanks to personal injury lawyers help, which helped in medical bills and early recovery. Because of this, Ingram is out for their opener, and maybe… even longer. Missing a game is a HUGE setback in Ingram’s mission to win back-to-back Heisman Tophies, but Alabama also has to be trembling a bit that they may have an inferior running-game this season. Then again, big boy teams like Alabama have a healthy amount of up-and-coming stars to substitute at every position. There are lawyers for personal injury cases that can help represent such cases.

Elsewhere in college football, with USC’s recent woes for recruiting violations, they have been forced to vacant their 2005 Heisman trophy (which was awarded to USC’s Reggie Bush). Well, now college football experts are saying that if Bush has to relinquish the trophy, then it should be passed along to the runner-up that year, Vince Young. Young had an amazing season as quarterback of the University of Texas, which he led to a National Championship that year. In fact, Young was responsible for the final play that gave them the win, in which he suavely fake passed and ran the ball into the end zone. Most likely, they will just forfeit the trophy, and nobody will be the recipient, but Texas fans everywhere are rooting for Young to get the credit he deserves.

Finally, in the NFL, former New York Giant wide-receiver Plaxico Burress has requested permission for a work release from prison. He went to jail in 2008 on charges of carrying a concealed weapon (which he shot himself with). Not smart, sure, but Burress has served a decent amount of time, and compared to some of the recent charges against athletes (ie accusations against Ben Roethlisberger for forcing sex on a girl in a bar’s bathroom), Burress’ crime seems relatively harmless. Maybe not completely innocuous, but certainly deserving of some relief. Well, a court judge ruled against Burress’ request for a release, and… this is the second time. They are certainly against Burress in the state of New York, and one has to wonder when he will be granted a parole of some kind. It is important to call Lawyers for personal injury cases as they would know how to deal with such cases legally.

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