Archive for September 3rd, 2014

Fantasy Football Is All About Beating The Hated Ziti Shooters


Ziti ShootersThe NFL season begins Thursday night and fantasy teams around the country are having last minute drafts and filling in their rosters. My team had our live draft Tuesday night and by our last pick at 10:00 pm, we feel confident that this is our year. Our goal this year is not necessarily winning the coveted Super Bowl Trophy but more importantly preventing the hated Ziti Shooters (seen here in true Ziti form) from winning an astonishing 4 times in a row. The draft was brutal hearing about the unprecedented “3 peat Ziti’s”. We hold an auction and this year we went for value. Our starting roster is: Andrew Luck, Matt Forte, Shane Vereen, Randall Cobb, Percy Harvin, Bengals Defense,  Adam Vinatieri and the indomitable Calvin Johnson. We even picked up Colin Kaepernick as our backup QB (for only $5 out of $300). It’s going to be great year!

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