Archive for September 20th, 2012



Dallas Cowyboys Owner, Jerry Jones, came out and said he thinks the kneel down (play used at the end of the half or end of the game where traditionally the Quarterback sits on his knee to run the clock down) should be illegal. This has been a hot topic all week because at the end of the Giants vs Tampa Bay game on Sunday, the Giants were ahead 41-34 with five seconds left. At the snap, QB Eli Manning put his knee down to in what’s called the Victory Formation (clearly with the offense ahead and with 5 seconds to go, they were going to win). The Coach of the Tampa Bay Bucs (Greg Schiano) wasn’t convinced it was over so he instructed his defensive line to go full force (which they did and caused Eli to fumble). The Giants still won the game but the Giants coach, Tom Coughlin and Schiano went at it after.  There’s no rule that says you can’t rush the QB if he’s in victory formation, but many players and coaches believe there is a “gentleman’s agreement” not to cause any undue harm when there’s virtually no chance of a comeback.

In other NFL news, Redskins’ Wide Receiver, Joshua Morgan has been receiving death threats on his twitter account. In the game against the Rams last weekend, Redskins QB, RGIII had marched his team downfield to within field goal distance and the chance to tie the game. After the third down pass to Morgan, a bit of an altercation broke out and Morgan threw the ball at Ram’s Cornerback Cortland Finnegan. You REALLY can’t do things like that so of course the Redskins were penalized and out of field goal range.

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