Archive for December 6th, 2011



In college football, the major bowls were announced.  In the Rose Bowl, we’ll see Oregon and Wisconsin — two teams with high-powered offenses that will surely run up the score.  In the Sugar Bowl, it’ll be Denard Robinson and Michigan against running-back David Wilson and Virginia Tech.  Down south in the Orange Bowl, we’ll see a Clemson team that just knocked off Virginia Tech for the ACC Title take on Big East Champion West Virginia.  Again, two offenses that are going to be tossing touchdown after touchdown.  And in the Fiesta Bowl — it’s Oklahoma State (fresh off a snub from the National Championship Game) against an Andrew Luck led Stanford squad.  Finally, the grandaddy of them all, the BCS Championship Game between #1 LSU and #2 Alabama. Sure, these two teams already played, but it took them an overtime to decide a winner.  You better believe this is going to be an amazing match-up, and they are, indeed, the best two teams in the nation.

Elsewhere in college football, the 5 Finalists for the coveted Heisman Trophy were announced yesterday.  We have quarterback Andrew Luck from Stanford, quarterback Robert Griffin III from Baylor, running-back Montee Ball from Wisconsin, running-back Trent Richardson from Alabama, and… the Honey-Badger, LSU’s cornerback Tyrann Mathieu.  This is actually the first year in a while where there wasn’t a clear #1.  It will be interesting to see whom the committee decides on Saturday.


Finally, in the NBA, rumors have circled everywhere that Dwight Howard and Chris Paul might be heading out of town.  First a rumor saw Dwight Howard coming to the Nets, and then everyone said Chris Paul was going to don a Celtics uniform.  Those stories were contradicted by other sources claiming that Paul wanted to play with his buddies Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire in New York to create a second BIG 3 to compete with the Heat.  But now, a new team has emerged — The Los Angeles Lakers.  And here’s the thing:  The Lakers want BOTH Dwight Howard and Chris Paul.  The Lakers have valuable trade chips to send around including Andrew Bynum, Pau Gasol, and Lamar Odom.  And they also have the money necessary to sign these two superstars.  This could get very interesting if Kobe ALSO had a Big 3.

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