Archive for February 25th, 2010



In the Olympics, Lindsay Vonn was back in action in the Giant Slalom event.  She was favored in the event (as she is the best skier in the world), but with her injury you never know.  Well, unfortunately Vonn had a serious off day.  With very bad weather in Whistler, Vonn spun out of control and crashed into the blue netting on the side of the course.  Additionally, Vonn broke her pinkie in the process.  It’s uncertain if she will be able to ski in her final event, but, needless to say, Vonn has experienced quite a bit of bad luck in these games.

Alexander OvechkinElsewhere in Olympic news, the Canadians were shocked this weekend losing to the United States in hockey.  It was a major setback, but they are still in the medal hunt — it’s just going to be tougher.  To continue though, they needed to beat Russia.  Remember, Russia is home to some of the best players in the NHL.  If Crosby is the most dominant player in the NHL, Russia’s Alex Ovechkin isn’t far behind.  And these two have a rivalry during the regular season with Crosby on Pittsburgh and Ovechkin on Washington D.C.  With all that said, this game wasn’t even close.  In just two periods of play, the Canadians put up an alarming 7 GOALS!!!  And they wouldn’t need more than that.  We could possibly see a rematch of United States & Canada for the Gold Medal.  Now that would be a match to remember.  Canada 7, Russia 3.


Finally, in the NBA, the Dallas Mavericks have been hot lately, especially after acquiring both Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood from the Wizards.  But… could they beat the Lakers?  They would have to do it without Butler last night, who was out sick, but a win against LA is always good for a team’s self-esteem.  Well, Kobe put on a show with 20 points, but the help that the Mavericks got off their bench was truly incredible.  Jason Terry, winner of last year’s 6th man award, gave them 30 points as they hung out to defeat the defending champs.  The Lakers have been struggling lately.  Can we expect them to still be around in June?  Dallas 101, LA Lakers 96.

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