Jay Cutler Benched, Grizzles In Groove, Rajon Rono Trade Rumors


Jay CutlerIn the NFL, the main story of the day centered around Chicago Bears’ quarterback Jay Cutler. Cutler was brought into Chicago hoping that he would be their savior. He showed flashes of excellence, flashes, that would earn him a huge contract. But it seems like the Bears story every year is that they start out hot, then completely collapse around Week 8. This year was no different, and finally the Bears brass  had enough. They have opted to bench Cutler this week in favor of back-up Jimmy Clausen. Cutler is likely on his way out of Chicago, and the Bears will go hunting for a new QB in the draft.




The Memphis Grizzlies appear to be emerging as the best team in the NBA. This is a team that has had the same nucleus for a few years now, and appear to have found an unstoppable groove. They would be tested Wednesday night by the defending champion San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs are a team that takes “nights off” (meaning they play down to their opponent), but they were ready to take on the Grizzlies. So much so that they game needed three overtimes to be decided — one of which came about because of a miracle shot by Tim Duncan. But, in the end, the Grizzlies just did more, and got the win in San Antonio. Memphis 117, San Antonio 116.

Finally, in the NBA, rumors are swirling that the Celtics and Mavericks are talking about a trade for Celtics’ star point guard Rajon Rondo. Rondo would be a huge asset for a contending team like the Mavericks, and the Celtics are still in rebuilding mode. Getting some young pieces from the Mavs or even some draft picks would be just what they need. This trade might happen, and could be just enough to help the Mavericks win the West.

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