Archive for November 27th, 2014

Turkey Day Football Matchups Including The Butt Bowl Redemption Game And The Choking Gesture


What’s better on Thanksgiving than three football games and turkey! All the games today are division rivalries which means they all know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This familiarity should lead to some great games.

First up for the day is the Detroit Lions taking on the Chicago Bears. The Lions are coming off of two defeats but they will likely come out strong today as they are hosting the Bears who are having a difficult season. 12:30 EST

Mark Sanchez

Mark Sanchez

Next up at 4:30 pm EST will be the Butt Fumble Redemption game. Let me explain for those that don’t remember. Two years ago on Thanksgiving former Jets’ QB Mark Sanchez ran into the butt of his teammate and fumbled the ball. They ended up  losing the game 49-19 and Sanchez became the “butt” of endless jokes.  Fast forward two years and now Sanchez is filling in for the injured Nick Foles as QB for the Philadelphia Eagles.  He has a chance to redeem himself in an important game against division rivals, the Dallas Cowboys.

Finally, the last game of the day, the Seattle Seahawks will be traveling to NFC rival, the San Francisco 49ers. The Niners should be fired up remembering their NFC Championship Game loss to the Seahawks last January which sent Seattle to the Super Bowl. In the game, Seattle’s Richard Sherman deflected a pass to the Niners’ Michael Crabtree which sealed the game. Afterward, Sherman famously made a choking gesture to the Niners’ QB Colin Kaepernick. As you can imagine, that didn’t go over so well and the Niners will be out for blood this time around.  8:30 pm EST

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