Archive for August 24th, 2010



It looks like an old friend is headed back to his old team.  That’s right, after a stint with several teams, including the hated rival New York Yankees, the Boston Red Sox has claimed Johnny Damon off of waivers.  Damon went to Detroit this season after leaving the Yankees (where he won his second World Series), but things weren’t working out too well in Detroit and now Boston wants him back.  After all, he is a fan favorite.  Then again, it’s not official yet, and Damon could shrug off the offer in the next 48 hours.  The Red Sox are in 3rd place right now, but they believe getting Damon back would be a strong move for a late playoff push.


In the NFL, a brewing feud between Tom Brady and the New York Jets.  The NY Jets have been featured on this season of HBO’s “Hard Knocks”.  Apparently, people are really enjoying it — especially because of the arrogance of head coach Rex Ryan.  Well, when asked on a radio talk show what he thought of the HBO series, Tom Brady said, Honestly, I haven’t turned it on.  I hate the Jets, so I refuse to support that show. I’m sure it’s great TV. I’m glad people are liking it. But that’s just something that I have no interest in watching. I’d love to say a lot of mean things, but I’d rather not do that, either”.  Clearly, there is some serious bad blood between Brady and the Jets, and it looks as if Jets head coach Rex Ryan LOVES it.  He welcomes the hatred, and is using it to fuel his team.  Plus, the Jets think they have a serious shot of winning the AFC East this year, and finally dethroning the Patriots (the champ almost every year over the past decade).  We’ll see how this pans out in the regular season. You can read more about this type of legal issue and learn what needs to be done when it comes to the legalities.


Finally, in the end of a big chapter in the sports world, Tiger Woods… is divorced (go to my site and learn more about divorce procedures).  Yesterday, Woods and Elin Nordegren made their divorce public with the help of family law attorneys.  Now it’s all about Tiger Woods brand.  “Having a public divorce doesn’t exactly fit in with the squeaky clean image that brands want”, said family attorneys serving in San Marcos area.  However, many think that Tiger’s endorsement deals are squarely based on winning major tournaments.   You simply can’t refute his talent and dominance and that has huge value to many brands (ie. Tiger is the Best, and so is BRAND X for being associated with Tiger).  With that said, Woods has been heavily slumping lately, and if there is any good to come from an on-camera divorce finalization, it’s that Woods can now completely focus on his golf game.

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