Archive for August 18th, 2010



In the NBA, there has been a lot of controversy over Carmelo Anthony’s recent remarks that he may not re-sign with the Nuggets and head to New York.  If he leaves, it would solidify the idea that there is a trend brewing in the NBA where the top players want to play in only the big cities.  The NBA has about 6 major markets (LA, Chicago, New York, Miami, Boston, Dallas).  If all the best players decide to go there, it would really mess up the competitive balance of the NBA.  Small market teams wouldn’t be able to either keep or attract talent, and it could make for a very boring regular season if over 15 teams are easy teams.  There are musings of a few small market teams merging to make them more competitive, because if they don’t, teams like Indiana, Charlotte, New Orleans, Toronto, and Minnesota are going to go bankrupt.  They simply can’t field strong attendance numbers without a good product for the fans.


And in the NFL, guess what?  Yep, you’re not going to believe this, but Brett Favre… is back… AGAIN!  Maybe we should repeat that.  He’s back… AGAIN!  For three straight seasons, Brett Favre has said he’s done, retired, then come back just a few days later.  Apparently, Favre is reporting to Vikings camp, and will announce this in a press conference today.  This has gotten to the point of absurdity.  Why is it so difficult to make a decision?  Either way, with Favre back, the Vikings will feel like they could win a Super Bowl again.  However, we must keep in mind that Favre is over 40 years old.  There’s only so many glory seasons you can have at that age.
