Archive for August 20th, 2010


Performance-enhancing drugs were all the rage yesterday.


First off, in the NFL, Houston Texans linebacker Brian Cushing is currently under suspension for taking performance enhancing drugs.  It’s a four game penalty, and this could be detrimental to the Texans season, as Cushing is practically the heart of their defense (in addition to Mario Williams).  Well, yesterday, his case went under review, but unfortunately for Texans fans, Cushing’s four game suspension was upheld.  He won’t be able to play until October.  Houston is hoping to make its first ever playoff appearance this season, and losing Cushing for four games could get them off to a very bad start.


In baseball, former superstar and future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens could be in some serious trouble.  In 2008, Roger Clemens testified before Congress that he had never taken a performance-enhancing drug (i.e. steroids, HGH). However, with recent allegations that Clemens did, um, just that, he could be facing not a suspension from baseball, but jail time.  That’s right, you’re not supposed to lie under oath — namely to Congress.  Congress is claiming that Clemens made 15 statements in front of them that were false.  This puts yet another chapter in the steroid era of baseball.  And to think, once upon a time, people thought Clemens would become the best pitcher of all-time.


Finally, in the NFL, it looks like Tom Brady and the New England Patriots might be back in top form.  In a pre-season game against Atlanta yesterday, they had their X Factor back — none other than Wes Welker.  Welker went down with a major injury prior to the playoffs last season, and it was uncertain whether he would resume to his lightning speed status.  Well, he looked terrific out there.  Sure, he only caught two passes, but you could tell that he and Brady have their same chemistry again.  The Pats are definitely poised for a bounce-back season, and having Welker charging on all cylinders will be a clutch component.  New England 28, Atlanta 10.

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