Archive for December 5th, 2019

Mets In Talks With Steve Cohen, ISU Nominates Auschwitz-Themed Costume


The New York Mets are in talks with hedge fund manager Steve Cohen to sell up to 80% of the team at a value of $2.6 billion. According to Bloomberg News, the announcement states that as part of the agreement “Fred Wilpon will remain in the role of the Control Person and CEO for five years and Jeff Wilpon will remain in his role of Chief Operating Officer for the five-year period as well.”


The International Skating Union apologized for nominating an Auschwitz-themed skating outfit for a best costume award. Anton Shulepov skated to the theme from “Schindler’s List” while wearing a yellow star similar to what Jewish prisoners wore during the Holocaust. The Skating Union apologized stating that the nomination was a mistake, and they had meant to nominate a different outfit Shulepov wore. According to the Anti Defamation League, the apology was “inadequate” as the ISU had posted the picture of the Auschwitz-themed costume in its nomination. Many took to social media to express their disgust with one twitter user saying, “I am truly shocked at the inclusion of Anton Shulepov’s free skate costume in the best costume list. It is irresponsible and offensive. The horrors of genocide is not entertainment. Remove it immediately.”

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