Archive for July 31st, 2017

Ravens Weigh Kaepernick Option, More LaVar Drama, Kyrie Believes Earth is Flat


The Colin Kaepernick drama continues with the Balitmore Ravens weighing the potential downsides of signing Colin Kaepernick as another backup quarterback, while their starter Joe Flacco is recovering from back surgery. The team’s owner, Steve Bisciotti, has been consulting with current and former players in addition to fans and said,”I know that we’re going to upset some people, and I know that we’re going to make people happy that we stood up for somebody that has the right to do what he did. Non-violent protesting is something that we have all embraced. I don’t like the way he did it. Personally, I kind of liked it a lot when he went from sitting to kneeling. I don’t know, I’m Catholic, we spend a lot of time kneeling.”

The team is also considering signing former Cleveland Browns and Washington Redskins QB Robert Griffin III (RGIII). The Los Angeles Chargers were looking at RGIII as a backup to Philip Rivers, but then opted to sign former Buffalo Bill rookie (and Ohio State National Champion, QB Cardale Jones) instead.


LaVar Ball can’t stay away from controversy. According to reports, he “crossed the line” again in Las Vegas over the weekend when he berated a female referee who gave him a technical foul. He had her replaced mid-game, and the crowd went crazy upon hearing him claim she was “out of shape” and “should stay in her lane”.  The group that supplied the referees for the tournament was disappointed in how Adidas (the organizers) handled the issue and has now cut ties with the shoe company.

Kyrie Irving is still talking about leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers, but another story this week faults Kyrie for influencing middle school students’ belief that the earth is not round. According to Avi Wolfman-Arent from NPR, middle school teachers are having a hard time teaching because their students listen to Irving instead of actual science. One teacher commented, “Immediately I start to panic. How have I failed these kids so badly they think the Earth is flat just because a basketball player says it? They think that I’m part of this larger conspiracy of being a round-Earther. That’s definitely hard for me because it feels like science isn’t real to them.”

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