Archive for July 21st, 2017

OJ Simpson Granted Parole, Huge Freeze Resignation After Escort Call


After serving for almost 9 years in prison for stolen sports memorabilia, OJ Simpson was granted parole and could be out of prison as early as October. Due to the continuing fascination with OJ, the parole hearing was broadcast live. Back in 1968, OJ won the Heisman trophy and then went on to become one of the most accomplished and recognizable running backs in the NFL. He had a Hollywood following and seemingly blessed career until his arrest in 1994 for allegedly killing his ex-wife and her friend. In a live court battle which mesmerized the entire nation, OJ was found not guilty. OJ is now 70 years old.

The big news out of the college football world is Ole Miss head football coach Hugh Freeze’s resignation. Freeze was initially caught calling an escort service (although he claims it was a wrong number), which led to an investigation into other transgressions. Why were people looking into Freeze’s phone records? Over the last few years, Freeze had been accused by the NCAA for paying players. When Freeze threw the blame on former coach Houston Nutt, Nutt fought back and asked investigators to look into Freeze’s phone records (where they uncovered the call to the escort service and led to more investigations).  According to reports from the school, the investigation led to “a pattern of personal conduct inconsistent with the standard of expectations for the leader of our football team.”


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