Archive for July 18th, 2017

Michael Vick Thinks Kaepernick Should Cut Hair, Manziel Wants Back In NFL


Michael Vick knows what it’s like to try and repair an image (he was arrested for dog fighting), and is now giving his unsolicited advice to former SF 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick. He believes Kaepernick hasn’t been picked up by an NFL team yet because of the controversy surrounding him last year (not standing for the National Anthem) and suggests Kaepernick cut his hair and look more “clean cut”. He said,

“The first thing we got to get Colin to do is cut his hair. Listen, I’m not up here to try to be politically correct, but even if he puts cornrows in it, I don’t think he should represent himself in that way in terms of just a hairstyle. Just go clean cut. Why not? You’re already dealing with a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. What he needs to do is just try to be presentable.”

Speaking of repairing reputations, former Cleveland Browns’ top pick, QB Johnny Manziel, admits he made mistakes (domestic violence, substance abuse) and wants to come back to the NFL. He said,  “I know the situation that I put myself in. I know the year I took off and obviously the mistakes that I made. Right now, I’m hopeful. I’m really hopeful,”Manziel said. “I think that I made some progress in that regard. But we’ll see. Whenever I get a call, I’ll do whatever I can to make the most of it.” Not “if” I get a call, but “whenever.” Seemingly, few people actually think Manziel will make a roster (especially before Kaepernick makes one), but you never know.

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