Archive for May 29th, 2009



It was do-or-die night for the Cleveland Cavaliers.  They were down 3-1 to the Orlando Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals, and needed a win to stay in the playoffs.  Fortunately for the Cavs, the game was on their home court, where they have been extremely difficult to beat.  From the get-go, LeBron and gang jumped out to a 22 point lead.  But, the Magic were incredibly resilient behind Dwight Howard and Hedo Turkoglu, who finished the night with 24 and 29 points respectively.  With that said, the 4th quarter simply belonged to LeBron James.  He finished the evening with 37 points, 12 assists, and 14 rebounds.  Incredible!! Another Triple-Double for LeBron.  Now, the question is… can the Cavs beat the Magic in Orlando and bring Game 7 back home?  Will the Magic finish the job, or fold under pressure?  This game will really show what LeBron is made of.  Cleveland 112, Orlando 102.


Derrick RoseElsewhere in the sports world, some controversy out of college basketball.  The Memphis Tigers are under allegations for recruiting violations.  The claim states that Memphis ignored the fact that their star player, Derrick Rose (last year’s #1 draft pick) took a fraudulent SAT test.  There is a minimum score that athletes need to get in order to play collegiate basketball.  Well, it appears that Derrick Rose may have had a High School teammate take the test for him.  Where it gets thicker is that if Memphis is found guilty of this, it would tarnish that year’s great season.  The NCAA might remove all their stats from the book.  This also puts two strikes against their head coach at the time, John Calipari.  He also was under suspicion of fraudulent recruiting when he coached UMASS with Marcus Camby.  We shall see how this story unfolds.


Tom BradyAnd finally, some glorious news out of the NFL world.  Not important news, but Boston fans are cheering everywhere.  Yesterday… Tom Brady worked out in full padding.  Now, this may seem irrelevent, but if you are a Patriots fan (or hater), this symbolizes that Brady is back — and by proxy, perhaps the dominant Patriot team of 2007.  The Pats let go of Matt Cassell this off-season, because they had full confidence in their king (Brady).  They are banking on the gamble that he is fully healthy, and ready to lead New England back to the promised land.  Seeing him in full uniform throwing passes, either gave all Pats fans hope, or all Pats haters… severe anxiety.

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