NBA Urges Players And Union Work Together, Norman And Beckham Jr. Rivalry


The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association sent a memo around the League urging players and the Union to work together to create ways to demonstrate their frustrations concerning social injustice without violating League rules. The NBA prohibits players from kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem. Several WNBA players have disregarded this rule over the last few weeks, and on Wednesday the entire Indiana Fever Team knelt together during the National Anthem. No one has been fined yet, so it remains to be seen what will happen when the NBA season begins.


Odell Beckham Jr 2Washington Redskins’ cornerback Josh Norman and the New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. face off on Sunday and sparks will fly. The two players have had it in for each other since December 2015 during a very physical game which included many personal fouls and a dangerous helmet-to-helmet hit.  The rivalry continued throughout the year with many disparaging remarks on social media. Just a few weeks ago Norman told the author of a book called “Panther Rising”, “I don’t care for the guy at all. … Now don’t get me wrong, he’s a good player or whatever, but he’s not what he thinks he is. If you hit guys like that, if you completely jam them and shake them up, they can’t relate to that. So they start making excuses like, ‘Oh, he touched me.’ They don’t know how to respond because they never got hit like that. So me, every time I see him, I’m going to hit him in the mouth. I don’t care. Until he stops crying and (expletive).” Sunday’s game should be interesting! 1:00pm EST.


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  1. […] Josh Norman behaved on Sunday and just tried to play their best on the field. The much anticipated rivalry (and assumed hatred) between the two did not seem to affect their game. Norman played down the […]

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