Attention all Miami Dolphin fans…it’s that time of year when you really start to sweat…yes, it’s that dance we do every few years when there is one team seriously threatening to take that 1972 exalted perfect season record from you. Going into last week’s games, two teams threatened the record, and when the Indianapolis Colts defeated the Jacksonville Jaguars 35-31, fans were getting nervous. Then, Saturday night the New Orleans Saints fell to the Dallas Cowboys 24-17.  Dolphin fans breathed a small sigh of relief.

It was only two years ago (2007) when the New England Patriots challenged the record books but when the Pats lost to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl the perfect season was over and the Dolphins continued to have bragging rights. In 1972 the Dolphins secured the only perfect season in NFL history with a 17-0 record (an extremely difficult feat) yet now that the season is expanded, a team would have to go a perfect 19-0 to break this record. Yes, it’s not comparing apples to apples, but you can still say no team has yet to have a winning record including the Super Bowl. Maybe this is the year?

Mike HolmgrenIn other big news, former Seattle Seahawks coach, Mike Holmgren, could be taking over the Cleveland Browns. He was reportedly offered 50 million dollars over 10 years.

Brett FavreAnd, finally, the Minnesota Vikings head coach, Brad Childress, tried to bench future hall of fame quarterback, Brett Favre in the game against the Carolina Panthers. The Vikings were ahead 7-6 and Brett (the ultimate competitor) refused to leave the game. You have to give him props for never giving up, but the Vikings did end up losing 7-26.

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