Archive for August 20th, 2018

Biles Wins 5 Golds And Wears Teal To Acknowledge Victims, Sherman Thinks Helmet Rule Idiotic


Simone Biles won all five Gold medals at the US Gymnastics Championship Sunday night. According to the coordinator of the women’s team, “Biles is so spectacular, it’s pretty much a given that everyone else is competing for second place when she’s around.” Biles didn’t just compete and win her events, she also made a statement by wearing a teal colored outfit. Teal is the color of sex abuse survivors, and Biles wanted to make the hundreds of gymnasts abused by Larry Nasser were acknowledged for their suffering. Meanwhile, USA Gymnastics new CEO Kerry Perry had a chance to address the media. Unfortunately, Perry didn’t use the platform to recognize the victims of sexual abuse and properly acknowledge the changes that need to be made in USA gymnastics.


Much has been said in the last couple of weeks about the NFL’s new helmet rule which attempts to make the game a safer place for the athletes. Players and fans alike have criticized the rule saying it’s too subjective and impossible to properly enforce. According to San Francisco 49er cornerback Richard Sherman, “it’s idiotic”. He went on to say, “To all those ppl including those who made the rule. I want a video of YOU running full speed and being lead by anything but your head while also attempting to bring down a moving target. You will soon realize it’s impossible.” Sherman also tweeted that if the rule stays in place, the NFL “will be flag football soon.”

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